Beginners Guide To Getting Started With Data Structures And Algorithm.

Beginners Guide To Getting Started With Data Structures And Algorithm.

A lot of tech companies require developers to have a good knowledge of Data structures and algorithm "per skill" as part of their skill demand for employability. This is so common with companies like Microsoft, Google, Amazon, Apple and more others. Beginner developers most times do not take the need to develop expertise in data structures and algorithm so serious for reasons best known to them, meanwhile having this on your resume boost your chance of getting employed with ease. Junior developers, likewise senior developers - in very rare cases though, once escaped learning this, probably because of its initial difficulty and complexity, and unfortunately had to come back for it.

Data structure and algorithm are major and basic subjects every programmer should have a good knowledge and experience in its concept and use. Despite the initial complexity of the course that comes due to its abstract content and abstruse concepts. Well, that shouldn't be a reason to panic, it's normal for beginners to feel this way, you can only decide to build up determination and go for it or relent to come back for it later.


Data structures can be seen as the different ways of storing data on your system or the storage pattern for a set of data.

Algorithm is the solution to problems which is implemented by operations we can perform on a set of data or different data structures and the set of instructions for executing them.

Example In my wardrobe are different color of clothes, different styles of clothes and each of the colors and styles are kept in different spaces. When I am in need of a particular clothe, I don't need to be freaked out searching everywhere for it. I will simply carry out an order of operation as follows

  • What is the color of the clothe
  • Which part of the wardrobe do I keep those color of clothes
  • Which part of the wardrobe do I keep those type of clothes

Once I implement this search procedures, I am very likely to find the clothe. That is algorithm. It is simply a set of instructions implemented to provide solution to a problem, also note that the manner of arrangement in the wardrobe is the data structure. This is explaining the concept practically with an every day life example.


For anyone willing to get started, it may really look like a challenge finding a way out of this, but don't freak out, they are alot of materials, courses and tutorials out there that would take you from beginners to expertise, just follow this guide.

  1. AlgoExpert: AlgoExpert is a platform that enable developers to practice technical interview questions and also learn about data structures and algorithm with their simplified video tutorials. The content on this platform is really fair for beginners in subjects relating to data structures, algorithm, and problem solving questions. Check them here

  2. Cousera algorithm specialization course is also designed to help beginners in getting started with data structures and algorithm. It's a very good resource, find it here

  3. Udacity python data structures and algorithm course by Google is a great material for folks willing to learn data structures and algorithm in python

You can check out other platforms like, great content on YouTube channels of Freecodecamp, and MIT Open CourseWare. Finally check out for "The Algorithm design Manual by Steven Skiena and also Introduction to Algorithm 3rd Edition by Thomas Cormen

I hope everyone willing to get started will find this short guide helpful. Happy Learning!